- How to prevent over controlling your plane.
- Tips & tricks from readers (GA News).
Braking: - see Landing below.
Climbs / Descents:
- 5 easy ways to increase drag quickly.
- Need to lose altitude? 5 things you can do to descend quickly.
- Cruise climb speed, what is it and when should you use it?
- When to descend on a long straight-in final. (Vid 49).
Coordination / Rudder / Yaw:
- Conquer the “Driving” Habit! (SAFE).
- Cross-Coordinated. (NAFI).
- Video: The Rudder - It Gets No Respect!
Emergencies: separate page.
Energy Management: From AFH Chapter 4 - Energy management can be defined as the process of planning, monitoring, and controlling altitude and airspeed targets in relation to the airplane’s energy state in order to:
- Attain / maintain desired vertical flightpath-airspeed profiles.
- Detect, correct, and prevent unintentional altitude-airspeed deviations from desired energy state.
- Prevent irreversible deceleration and/or sink rate that results in a crash.
- Energy Errors (AvWeb)
- Energy Management. (FAASTeam)
- Energy Management - National FAA Safety Team. Part 1 and 2.
- Pitch and Power: Energy management is key to mastery of flight.
- Power and Pitch (Aviation Safety).
- Also check Aerodynamics
Go Around(s):
- 8 times you should go-around during landing.
- The first item is "bad bounce" - not "bounce".
- 9 times you should go-around.
- Avoiding traffic during a go-around. (Vid 184).
- Botched go around.
- Go-around technique. (Vid 96).
- How to fly a go-around.
- The aircraft will always go UP and LEFT (assuming a single engine piston aircraft)
- The 'binary' go-around. Have you been instructed, or is it your own notion, that a bounced landing should be followed by a go-around? If so, be careful of any 'binary' flying. Physics are binary but how we handle things is usually not. Here is a video of a bounce into a go around. The plane could have easily landed from the bounce and if you're going to go around, do it correctly. The video might be hard for some to watch.
- Also see My Morsals / Pilot Tips of the Week.
Ground Ops:
- Brief(s) - see Briefs / Debriefs.
- Holding short: How I do it at KFLY (or anywhere).
- Leaning: see Engines / Powerplants.
- Maintenance (MX) - see Systems.
- Parking (for runup): how I do it at KFLY.
- Preflight:
- 5 fall preflight items to watch out for.
- 5 things to look for when you sump your fuel.
- “COWS” (color, odor, water, sediment). Odor can help if the entire sample is water.
- 9 things that can be easily overlooked during preflight.
- Don't forget to check these 6 small parts on every preflight.
- Knowledge Check/Quizzes:
- Renting an airplane? 8 things you should always check.
- Runup (parking): how I do it at KFLY.
- Taxiing:
- 8 reasons you should use the 'airport moving map' during your next taxi.
- 9 common mistakes pilots make.
- How far should you taxi behind a jet?
- Taxi at large airports like a pro. (Flying Mag).
- Tips to handle icy runways and taxiways.
- Safety related.
- Why you shouldn't fly with a dirty windshield.
Ground Reference Maneuvers:
- Chandelle:
- How to fly one. (Sporty's)
- Learn the chandelle maneuver. (Thrust Flight)
- Eights on Pylons:
- How to fly 8s on Ps. (Thrust Flight).
- Rectangle course. (King).
- This is one way to do it. I make the rectangle around a segment of road (just like a runway), not around four roads.
- Turns around a point...
- 4 tips to clean up your turns around a point.
- What’s the point of ground reference maneuvers?
- Why ground reference maneuvers matter. Fundamentals Series (MzA).
- 3 common landing errors - how to fix them.
- 3 tips for the perfect landing. (MzA vid)
- 5 common landing errors, and how to fix them.
- 5 reasons your landings aren't smooth.
- 5 tips for better night landings.
- 5 tips for MASSIVELY better landings (That Actually Work).
- 6 ways to perfect your landings or 10 ways to perfect your landings.
- 8 different types of landings.
- 8 steps to make your first solo landing perfectly smooth.
- 10 tips for safer takeoffs and landings. (FAA).
- Avoid hard landings (AOPA video).
- Bad landings and scary takeoffs (great Backcountry 182 video).
- Defeated by Da Feet (Machado video).
- How to make smooth landings. (Backcounty182 vid).
- Landing - Fundamental Series (MzA) Entire Fundamental Series.
- On landing well: 9 steps for success. (Article)
- This ONE technique instantly improved my landings. (vid)
- ----------------------
- Aimpoint:
- Airspeed:
- Approach:
- See "Final" below.
- ATC and Communication (separate page).
- Bounces/Bouncing:
- Bounced landing, how to recover.
- What if I balloon or bounce on landing? (MzeroA vid).
- Why am I bouncing my landings? (Vid 13).
- Braking:
- 4 braking tips for every landing.
- Contaminated runway? Here's how to know the braking conditions.
- If your brakes failed on landing rollout, would you perform a go-around?
- Communication and ATC (separate page).
- Controls / Control Inputs:
- Grip - is it causing bad landings? (Vid 88 or Vid 146).
- Should you trim during landing?
- Crosswinds:
- 3 common crosswind landing mistakes, and how to prevent them.
- 7 steps to make the perfect crosswind landing.
- Crosswind landing tips. (Vid 169).
- Crosswind landings (Sporty’s vid - shown from behind).
- Feeling crabby-mastering crosswind landings. (MzeroA vid).
- Flaps in a gusty cross? (AvWeb).
- Flaps, should you reduce them in a strong crosswind? (Vid 55 or Vid 142).
- Handling strong crosswinds. (Vid 26 or Vid 39).
- How maximum demonstrated crosswind is calculated.
- How much rudder and ailerons? "It depends" is gray...
- The amount is 1) to keep longitudinal axis aligned (rudder) and 2) to stay on centerline (aileron).
- How to make a perfect crosswind landing.
- Left crosswind - how to handle it. (Vid 198).
- Light crosswinds cause three landing accidents.
- Maintain directional control after crosswind landing - how to.
- Prep for private pilot exam. (vid).
- Tips to handle strong crosswinds. (Vid 161).
- Tips to improve your crosswind technique. (Vid 114).
- Touching down in a strong crosswind. (Vid 147 and Vid 180).
- Also see My Morsels.
- Excursions - techniques to avoid them.
- Feel like your landings are getting worse?
- Final:
- 9 approach to landing problems - how to recover from each.
- Follow the PAPI/VASI on final, or aim for the numbers?
- High on final?
- Low on final? How should you correct?
- Why am I low on final approach? (Vid 47).
- Managing airspeed, power, and configuration on final. (Vid 186).
- Flaps
- 4 reasons you might not use full flaps on landing.
- Full flaps all at once?
- How to fly a no-flap landing.
- Partial flaps - when should you land with them? (Vid 128).
- Raise flaps on landing for a shorter ground roll? (Vid 185).
- Why use flaps for landing? (Vid 189).
- Flare / Roundout:
- Having trouble with your flare and touchdown? (Vid 112).
- How to correct a high flare during landing.
- How to recover from a balloon during your landing flare.
- Late or rapid flare - how to correct.
- When should you start? Vid 102 or 173.
- Where to look. (Machado vid).
- This is opinion. I look way down the runway and/or the horizon.
- Floating: see Ground effect below.
- Go around(s) - see above.
- Ground effect:
- Floating down the runway? Here's how to fix it.
- How to fix your float. (AV Safety).
- Struggling with floating during landing? (Vid 41).
- What is it? See Aerodynamics.
- Why your plane floats during landing.
- Gusts:
- Gusty crosswind landings. (MzA vid).
- Landing in gusty winds. (Vid 38).
- What's your limit for landing in gusty winds? See also My Morsels.
- Why add half the gust factor for windy day landings? (or Vid 127).
- High Altitude airports:
- How can I land better at high altitude airports? (Vid 1).
- How to time your flare for a perfect landing.
- Hydroplaning:
- Impossible or Improbable turn:
- All or Nothing. (Aviation Safety).
- FAA to CFIs: Teach the impossible turn.
- Is the impossible turn possible? (FlightInsight Vid).
- SAFE Broadcast.
- The Impossible Turn 500FT (it's not impossible). FLY8MA.
- The-Not-That-Impossible Turn. (Cub Theatre).
- What NTSB reports say about impossible turns and AOA (Part I, Part II).
- See My Morsels on this topic.
- Knowledge Check / Quizzes:
- In preparation for a normal landing... 9Qs.
- You are practicing landings in your Piper... 6Qs
- You're flying into Flagstaff, AZ… 5Qs
- Landing Gear:
- Long landing: How to prevent landing long. (Vid 195).
- Low approach - how to fly one.
- Pilot Induced Oscillation (PIO) or Porpoising. My Morsels.
- Pitch for airspeed, power for glideslope? Or the other way around?
- Porpoising or Pilot Induced Oscillation (PIO). My Morsels.
- Power-out 180s
- 180 power out landings - nail your landing spot every time. (vid)
- NAFI video 1. NAFI video 2.
- Why you should practice Power-Off 180 landings.
- Runway / Conditions:
- 4 ways to make safer landings in the winter.
- Contaminated runway? Here's how to know the braking conditions.
- Separation:
- There's an airplane on the runway. Can I land?
- What if an airplane taxied in front of you during touchdown?
- Short Field:
- 9 tips to pass the checkride short field landings.
- Achieving short field success. (FAA).
- How to fly a perfect short field landing.
- Runway overrun caused by short field landing technique...
- Short and rough field landings. (article)
- Why this landing went wrong and part deux. (AvWeb vid).
- Soft Field:
- How to make a perfect soft field landing.
- Stabilized approach (and landing).
- Flyer from FAASTeam.
- Stop-and-go landing - how to fly one.
- Tailwinds:
- 6 hazards of tailwinds during takeoff and landing.
- Why landing with a tailwind increases your risk of an accident.
- Takeoff and landing refresher. (Wally Moran).
- Tips to get on the centerline. (Vid 46 and Vid 82).
- Touch-and-Go:
- How to fly a touch-and-go landing.
- Touchdown / Touchdown Point:
- Aimpoint vs touchdown point. Vid 1, Vid 2.
- Avoid hard landings (AOPA video).
- Perfecting your touchdown point. (Vid 40).
- Stop landing left of center. (MzA vid)
- Tips to perfect your touchdown point. (Vid 56).
- Why you can't hold centerline on landing. (vid)
- Turbulence:
- Turn back to land - see Impossible or Improbable Turn above.
- Wake turbulence:
- How to avoid wake turbulence during takeoff and landing.
- No matter what you fly, this wake turbulence accident could happen.
- Quiz: The greatest vortex strength occurs... 6Qs.
- Tips to avoid wake turbulence. Vid 21, Vid 62 or Vid 162.
- See also Pilot Tips of the Week and Human Factors.
Maneuver Guides:
Night Flight/Flying:
- 5 tips for better night landings.
- 7 ways to find an airport hidden by nighttime darkness.
- 8 of the most common night flying hazards.
- 9 ways to avoid the hazards of night flight.
- 22 tips you need to know for flying at night.
- Quizzes / Knowledge check:
- When can you log night flight and night landings?
- See also Illusions in Human Factors.
- 9 ways to make nervous passengers more comfortable.
Rudder / Yaw / Coordination: see Coordination above.
- Forward slip - how to correct a high final.
- Real pilots know how to slip.
- Slipping with full flaps.
- Slips and Skids. (NAFI).
- Stalling in a forward slip. (Vid 53, Vid 153).
- What happens if you stall in a forward slip? (Vid 53).
Spins: go to Upset Prevention & Recovery Training.
- 4 ways to get better at stall recoveries.
- Aircraft stalling: 3 basic kinds.
- Cross-controlled stalls: How to prevent them.
- Decelerated stalls - do they exist? (GA News)
- Elevator trim stalls:
- Fear of / reluctance to:
- Afraid of stalls? Try a falling leaf.
- Fear of stalling. (MzeroA vid).
- Power-on stalls
- Power on stalls can happen where you least expect them.
- Practicing them.
- Video from Sporty's.
- Quiz on stalls:
- Any point beyond _____ is where... 6Qs.
- Assuming your aircraft's weight... 6Qs.
- What happens when you increase... 5Qs.
- Recovery: 6 common mistakes made by pilots.
- Stall horn fallacy of stall prevention.
- Stalling with the nose pointed down. (Machado vid)
- Weight, how does it affect stall speed? (Vid 163).
- Also see My Morsels.
Steep Spirals:
- Ultimate tutorial on steep spirals. (Thrust Flight vid).
Steep Turns:
- Aerodynamics of a steep turn.
- Article by Aviation Safety.
- How to master steep turns.
- Sporty’s flight maneuver spotlight.
- Steep turns. (AvWeb).
- Video Tip: Steep turns in flight.
- 6 common takeoff mistakes, and how to avoid them.
- 10 tips for safer takeoffs and landings. (FAA)
- Aborted / Rejected Takeoff:
- 8 times you should reject a takeoff.
- #2 is a misspeak – half of planned TO distance is better.
- #9 (not in the list) – anytime you think you should.
- Brief (see Briefs).
- Can you take off with another plane on the runway?
- Crosswind takeoffs:
- How to handle crosswinds during takeoff. (Sporty's vid)
- How to make a perfect crosswind takeoff.
- Prep for private pilot exam. (vid).
- Also see Landing.
- Go around(s) - see above
- Impossible turn.
- Improbable turn. (YouTube)
- Rejected Takeoffs:
- Rotation:
- Questions from the Cockpit: Rotate what, exactly?
- Runway centerline:
- Short/soft field takeoffs:
- Achieving short field success. (FAA).
- Clearing the 50’ obstacle. (Backcountry182).
- How to fly the perfect short field takeoff and climb. (FTC).
- How to fly a perfect soft field approach and landing. (FTC).
- How to make a good one (short field).
- See My Morsels on short/soft fields.
- Takeoff and landing refresher. (Wally Moran)
- Techniques for better takeoffs. (video)
- Wake turbulence:
- See also Takeoff Briefing, Performance and Pilot Tips of the Week.
Traffic Patterns:
- 6 ways to avoid irritating other pilots on your next flight.
- 8 tips to make a textbook traffic pattern every time.
- Aircraft in front of you isn't turning base. What should you do? (Vid 6).
- Back to basics in the traffic pattern. (NAFI).
- Base to final turn. (NAFI).
- C172, how I execute patterns in a Skyhawk.
- Commit to Pattern Precision (FAA).
- Departure leg vs upwind leg. (Vid 9).
- Fly a flawless traffic pattern at a non-towered airport.
- Fly a perfect pattern. (Pilot Workshops).
- Go arounds (see takeoff section above).
- Impossible turn.
- Improbable turn. (YouTube).
- Knowledge check / quizzes:
- The numbers 4 and 22 on the approach... 10 Qs.
- Non-Towered Airport:
- Upwind vs. departure leg. (vid 66).
- See also Pilots Tip of the Week.
Trim: see Systems / Equipment.
- Should you trim during landing?
- Weber’s Law – how it relates to trimming. (Machado Vid).
- When should you use trim?
- Also check: Systems / Equipment.
Turn performance (radius):
Visual Flight: - how to enforce it
- If you have students who stare at the gauges, my first recommendation is to cover them. So as not to keep them from recognizing a 30° bank turn, I let them see it. I cut a suction cup to hide the ADI minus the 30° bank turn. Why? Because I want them to hear, feel, sense their energy state by using their nose position. This is also where the stall warning comes into effect.
Yaw / Coordination / Rudder: see Coordination above.
Flying IS Great - Improve every flight!
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