These are provided by Pilot Workshops...
- Avionics / Equipment
- Camera, legality of an external camera.
- Glass cockpit - the distraction.
- Glass cockpit - the secret.
- GPS:
- Cruise crosswind correction.
- Flight plan page.
- Suspending the GPS to hold.
- Tracking heading with GPS.
- WAAS GPS, is it worth the cost?
- Instant Voltmeter.
- Minimum Technology List.
- Simulators:
- WAAS GPS, is it worth the cost?
- Also see Systems/Equipment.
- General / Planning
- Alternates: filed alternate fallacy.
- Alternates: having a 'fuel alternate'.
- “Avionics … Set” - what does it really mean?
- Charts - what about paper charts?
- Clearance (IFR) - see Instruments below...
- Cockpit, disinfecting a modern one.
- Flying with children.
- Fuel - Selecting fuel stops.
- Fuel - when to stop for fuel.
- Getting back in the air.
- GO-NO-GO, the RON mentality
- Icing - Overlooked icing trap.
- Insight from flying jets.
- Instructors, finding a good one.
- Letters to Airmen (FAA), why they matter.
- Logbooks - digital and paper.
- NASA Form - Should you fill one out?
- NOTAMs, do you have them?
- Risk - Is this flight too risky?
- Rusty IFR pilot.
- Rusty pilot - getting back in the saddle.
- Sectionals: What does *RP mean?
- Sectionals: VFR checkpoint codes.
- Sightseeing flights.
- Survival essentials.
- Three Strikes Rule.
- Also see Planning.
- Ground Ops
- "Avionics Set" - what does it mean?
- Carb heat: Runups with a carburetor.
- Cowl Plug Strap - avoiding a deadly habit.
- Cycling the prop.
- Fuel, Fire, Flight Controls.
- Ground, when to contact after landing.
- Grounding while fueling.
- Ignition - correct check.
- Magneto check - a correct one.
- Manifold pressure check
- Navigating on the ground.
- Oil:
- Performance calculations confidence.
- Preflight:
- Preheat, do you leave it on constantly?
- Propeller - inspecting yours.
- Propeller - surprise motion.
- Propeller - turning it by hand.
- Ramp Check.
- Spark plugs, clearing when fouled.
- Starting - priming for a cold start.
- Starting - zero throttle start.
- Taxiing:
- Tipping line workers, when to do it.
- Tow bar, never forget it.
- Windshield cleaning mistake.
- Also see Maneuvers.
- Takeoff / Landing +
- Common control oversight.
- Crosswinds
- Departure - turning onto a runway.
- Flaps:
- Go around - common mistakes.
- Go around or not.
- Go around safely.
- Go-arounds - giving them the run-around.
- One-Bounce Rule.
- Landing
- Calculating distance.
- Distances.
- Fly the PAPI?
- Practice.
- Practicing on a highway?
- Where does tower expect you to land?
- Lights:
- No gear-up landings.
- Power-off 180, the drag.
- Spot landing contest benefits.
- Takeoff
- Briefing.
- Calculating distance.
- Distances.
- Final runway checks.
- Go/No-Go.
- High terrain departure.
- Intersection.
- Manifold pressure check.
- Performance skepticism.
- Slushy departures.
- When to retract gear.
- Turnback - how to plan for one.
- Wake turbulence separation (ATC).
- See also Takeoff or Landing.
- In Flight
- Altitudes - assigned under VFR.
- Altitudes - choosing the best cruise.
- ATC - Read back the numbers.
- ATC - right way to contact ATC on initial call.
- ATC - which airspeed?
- Autopilot - using the "Blue Button".
- Best glide simplified.
- Checklists - using them in flight.
- Clouds - avoiding them at night.
- Communication
- Abbreviate callsigns.
- 'Any traffic please advise'.
- Should you monitor 121.5 (Guard/Emergency)?
- Using callsign on CTAF.
- CRM - keys to good CRM.
- Decelerating - right time to slow down.
- Descents:
- Departure - high terrain.
- ELT - what's better than one?
- Emergencies +
- ADS-B failure.
- Airspeed indicator, flying without one.
- Alternator failure at night.
- Checklist memorization. Version 2.
- Counteracting panic.
- Declare or not?
- Ditching in water vs trees.
- Emergency return in IMC.
- Engine failure #1 Rule.
- Engine failure (simulated) - dangerous practice?
- Engine out to a field.
- Field landing.
- First action for any emergency.
- Forced landing at night.
- Forced landing priorities.
- Glide ring, old school.
- Landing spot.
- Military mindset.
- Off-field landing choices.
- Open door in flight.
- Partial power loss.
- Split flaps.
- Staying sharp on procedures.
- See also Emergencies.
- Fatigue, the impact of.
- Flaps...
- Flight following...
- Benefits.
- Changing altitude.
- Flight following and ATC.
- From non-towered airports.
- Is it a clearance?
- See also Cross Country.
- Fog - un-forecasted.
- Fuel gauge accuracy.
- Glass cockpit - the secret.
- Gliding distance.
- Hypoxia below the O2 altitudes?
- IMC - can a VFR pilot survive in IMC?
- Involuntary Control Inputs.
- LAHSO clearance.
- Learning the numbers of your aircraft.
- Military Operations Area (MOA).
- Mistakes - Letting go of them.
- Navigation...
- Can't find the airport?
- Finding the airport.
- Tracking heading with GPS.
- VFR Through a TFR.
- See also Cross Country.
- Passengers - should they stay quiet?
- PIREPs, what to include.
- PIREPs: what to report.
- Play the game of “What If?”
- Practice every flight.
- Propeller, how to move it quietly. (silent prop)
- Propeller, overspeed.
- Right-of-way: rules and realities.
- Rudder coordination.
- Rudder coordination exercise.
- Slips...
- Slow flight - getting there quickly.
- Spins - will training really help?
- Stall speed while banked and descending.
- Staying ahead of the aircraft.
- Steep turn secret.
- SVFR - when it makes sense.
- Thermals - when they turn turbulent.
- Traffic, finding it.
- Traffic pattern / pattern operations:
- Traffic pattern, departing it.
- Traffic pattern ground track.
- When to announce each leg in the pattern.
- Where is the upwind leg?
- See also Maneuvers - Execution - Techniques.
- Trim - five-second rule.
- Trim - set trim in one shot?
- Instruments (IFR) +
- See also Instruments and Approaches.
- Approaches:
- Activating.
- Practice in VMC.
- Preparing for one.
- Simple fix to a common problem.
- Second attempt.
- Visual do's and don'ts
- ATC - anticipating cancellation instructions.
- Bearing pointers, using them.
- Circling to land in low visibility
- Clearance - airborne IFR.
- Clearance - copying IFR.
- Clearance - non-towered airport.
- Clearance - writing down clearances.
- Clearance Delivery - using published phone numbers.
- Contact approach in practice.
- Departures:
- Graphic ODP - what is it?
- Must you fly the ODP?
- Glideslope - the secret to a perfect one.
- IFR Routes - preferred routes.
- IPC (airplane) vs simulator practice.
- Missed approach, multiple.
- Standard-rate turn - a secret.
- Vectors to final - custom.
- VOR phase-out.
- VOR tests.
- Weather:
- ATIS/AWOS - a better way to get it.
- Clouds to avoid?
- Forecast, MOS - what is it?
- Lightning - how far is “Distant Lightning”?
- No ice in snow clouds?
- Outlooks, Watches and Warnings.
- Rain - flying through heavy rain.
- SIGMET, Convective
- TAFs - why they get amended.
- Turbulence:
- See also Weather.
- FIG -
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