- Hard lessons learned. (Air Facts).
- Insidious failures: don’t trust, verify.
- KFLY crash August 2021.
- Know your limitations. (Air Facts).
- Pilot survives fiery crash of Cirrus SR22 | Mountain Air Airport, NC (4K).
- What we can learn from accident reports. (GA News)
- What we can learn from accidents. (NAFI)
- What were they thinking? Decision making in high threat environments. (Vid).
- Where do we lose it? The *real* threat! (stalls).
Articles / Related Topics:
- Boring is the new black. (Air Facts).
- Human Factors:
- Ignore YouTube detectives - it’s usually pilot error. (AF).
- No one in command. (GA News).
- Say it out loud. (GA News)
- The second decision. (GA News).
- ILAFFT (I learned about flying from that). Flying Mag.
- Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. (Air Facts).
- Pilot Demons. (Machado)
- SRM and CRM (Single-pilot and Crew Resource Management).
- Tips to avoid a brain stall while flying. (GA News)
- Why we make excuses not to fly.
- 7 'wake-up calls' most new, confident pilots experience.
- A little humility goes a long way. (GA News).
- Expectation bias can cause accidents - or worse. (Flying Mag).
- Hazardous attitude (Acronyms and Mnemonics).
- Importance of Embracing Proficiency Culture. (Flying Mag).
- Mere Fear. (Machado).
- Peer pressure among pilots. (Air Facts).
- Plan Continuation Bias in 57 Seconds. (get-home-itis).
- Plan continuation bias and CFIT. (FAA blog).
- YouTube, Top Gun, and aviation culture.
- Stepping down in automation - lessons for children of the magenta line.
- Runway Safety - Untimely Distraction.
Engines / Powerplants:
- Improper leaning of engine proves fatal for two.
- Loss of power on takeoff.
- Power loss at 300 feet - What went wrong, what went right.
- Prop strike - what counts as one?
- Stuck exhaust valve leads to crash.
- The Unstretchable Glide. When your only engine fails, you decide where to land, not ATC.
- Fatal Cirrus accident shows that some knowledge doesn't translate.
- Five mistakes many general aviation pilots make and how to avoid them.
- IFR aircraft loses separation with 1,500 foot tall antenna.
- Incorrect altitude readback leads to near CFIT incident.
- Multiple mistakes were too much to overcome.
- Prevalence Error - Why we look but do not see.
- Systems Knowledge? NTSB blamed instructor, but looked closely at autopilot system.
- Who’s pilot in command? A faulty assumption leads to an accident.
- Faulty assumptions. (Air Safety Inst).
- Pilot didn’t have time to sump fuel but could wait for the crash. (GA News).
- Pilots experience engine failure from fuel contamination. (bm).
- Botched go around. (Vid)
Ground Ops:
- Planes crash after student tries to pass on the taxiway.
- Preflight, Interrupted. (Aviation Safety).
- Rushed preflight leads to a terrifying discovery. (Air Facts).
- Rushed preflight leads to Cessna taking off with the tow bar attached.
- Worn ignition switch - It could happen to anybody..
- FOD in the cockpit causes two blown tires on landing.
- See Night Flight.
Medical / Medicals:
Spatial Disorientation:
- 4 things you should know about runway illusions, and how to solve them.
- 7 visual illusions to be prepared for on your next flight.
- 8 optical illusions every pilot should understand, and know how to avoid.
- Eight optical illusions pilots need to know.
- Flying an ILS into fog, and the associated visual illusions.
- This wintertime illusion can cause accidents on a VFR day.
- Quizzes:
- Runway width illusions: compensating for wide/narrow runways. (Vid 194).
- Somatogravic Illusion (see spatial disorientation below).
- Vestibular illusions - don't let them disoriented you.. (FAA)
- Aircraft slides off a slick runway: How to avoid the same problem.
- Crew cancels IFR and lands at the wrong airport.
- Fatigued pilots land on wrong runway after visual approach clearance.
- Loose iPad jams pilot's trim wheel, leading to an emergency landing.
- Pilot loses control on landing after passenger steps on the rudder pedal.
- Piper Cherokee lands fast and overruns in the rain.
- Precautionary landing leads to a big surprise. (field selection).
- Runway overrun caused by short field landing technique...
- Rushed pilot lands with gear up, blames iPad...
- Survive: Beyond the forced landing. (AOPA)
- The many factors that lead to runway overruns.
- What not to do…when YouTube clickbait actually has value. (emergency landing).
- Why this landing went wrong and part deux. (AvWeb vid).
Loss of Control, Inflight (LOC-I) and Ground (LOC-G):
- Avoiding LOC-G. (ASI vid).
- Fly Safe: Prevent Loss of Control Accidents. (FAA).
- How not to lose control: What we can learn from Colgan 3407.
- Loss of control on the ground. (NAFI).
- Loss of control: turning over a new leaf. (Air Facts).
- Reducing loss of control accidents in five minutes. (Air Facts).
- 4 aeromedical risk factors to watch out for this winter.
- AOPA Summary
- Colorado Springs recommendation: Jerome Limoge, MD (online schedule)
Mistakes: see Errors above.
Night / Night Flight:
- A pilot’s siege of troubles leads to a fatal outcome. (Flying Mag).
Performance / Weight and Balance:
- Failure to use checklist and put seatbelt on right results in accident.
- Pilot gets caught between procedure and instinct.
- Pilot misses note 'Circle NA South Of Runway 09', resulting in near CFIT event.
- Low and fast - a bad combination.
- The Danger Zone - Tips to reduce risk in all phases of flight.
- Top ten tips for managing risk.
- What makes a debatable risk?
Safety: separate page.
Situational Awareness: see Resource Management.
- 6 ways pilots get confused in the clouds, and how to prevent it.
- Crash highlights the dangers of nighttime disorientation.
- How to overcome it in flight. (also somatogravic illusion).
- How to prevent the 6 types of spatial disorientation.
- Nighttime crash highlights the dangers of disorientation.
- Pilot loses control when his seat slides back during takeoff.
Traffic / Traffic Pattern:
- Hours of boredom, followed by...
- Near mid-air collision on final approach.
- Practice instrument approach leads to a near mid-air collision with VFR traffic.
- Sonex lands on top of another airplane.
- Turning back to the runway - Bonanza crash in Florida..
- A change of mind...or two. White-out conditions over a frozen lake in Alaska.
- My near death experience. (Mooney).
- One hour closer to your first accident.
- Ready to Burst. Don’t let ‘get-home-itis’ lead you near thunderstorms.
- Scud Running At Night. Pilot stumbles around in the dark, in IMC.
- Stumbling around in the rain. (Aviation Safety).
- Summer haze and low on fuel.
- Trapped in ice. (Accident Case Study).
- VMC into IMC or VFR into IFR:
- In too deep. (Accident Case Study).
- VFR into IMC accident prevention. (Flying Mag).
- VFR into VMC - syllabus by AOPA.
- VFR To IFR in a flash on a solo cross-country. (Air Facts).
- Why do pilots continue to inadvertently fly into IMC? (GA News).
- Why can’t we solve VFR into IMC. (Flying Mag).
- What was one of the scariest moments in your life?
- Wind:
- Calm wind at nontowered airport leads to landing incident.
- FIG -
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