- 9 things to know about your runway before you land.
- 10 things you should do before flying into an unfamiliar airport.
- Best safety practices (FAA).
- Busy airports:
- 5 ways to prepare for flying into busy airports.
- Pilot's guide for landing at busy airports.
- Taxi at large airports like a pro. (Flying Mag).
- Cameras, weather: FAA Weather Cams.
- Cars, courtesy (at airport):
- Communication / Radios:
- From the Flight Deck (FAA video series with wrong airport/surface landings).
- Hot Spots:
- Airport diagram hotspot listing. (PDF).
- Hot Spot standardized symbology. (FAA).
- Not your granddad’s hot spot. (GA News)
- Knowledge check/Quizzes:
- How long is the longest runway at… 5Qs.
- What's the difference between a tetrahedron... 6Qs.
- When a control tower tells you to contact... 6Qs.
- You're flying into tower controlled… 6Qs.
- New airport - flying to one. (bm).
- Non Towered Airports:
- 7 things you need to be ready for at non-towered airports.
- Are non-towered airports more dangerous? (GA News).
- Communications. (in ATC and Comm)
- Operations (video).
- Radios - should they be required at non-towered airports?
- Towered vs. non-towered airports on sectional charts. (Vid 61).
- See also Maneuvers - Execution - Techniques.
- 7 Types:
- DOD Search.
- NOTAMs are garbage: Nobody pays any attention to them.
- Restaurants at Airports
- Airplane Geeks
- AOPA: Destination Search (you can select "restaurant on airfield")
- AOPA: Best Airport Restaurants Named
- AOPA: best-of-best $100 hamburgers
- AV8Maps.
- Fly 2 Lunch.
- Safety - see Safety.
- Specific Airports:
- Telluride Airport: What to know before you go.
- Temperature swings: why do some airports have ones between day & night?
- Towered Airport Operations:
- Control towers don't do what you think they do. (AvWeb)
- Frequencies, explained. (Vid 31 or Vid 95).
- Land and hold short operations (LAHSO) - how they work.
- Towered field ops.
- Towered vs. non-towered airports on sectional charts. (Vid 61).
- Wrong surface operations: see Safety.
- Traffic Patterns - see Maneuvers - Execution - Techniques.
Lights / Lighting:
- Approach lights:
- Light gun signals explained. (Vid 50 or Vid 101).
- Knowledge Check/Quizzes:
- What's this lighting system called? 6Qs.
- You see a steady green light signal... 6Qs.
- You're coming in to land... 6Qs.
- You're landing on a runway that has...6Qs.
- REIL vs. RAIL. What's the difference? (Vid 118).
- Rotating beacon:
- What colors are you looking for? (Vid 64).
- VASI and/or PAPI. How I use them.
- How far out do PAPI lights guarantee obstacle protection? (Vid 176).
- When do runway edge lights change from white to yellow? (Vid 190).
- Knowledge Check/Quizzes:
- Touchdown zone markings indicate... 6Qs.
- Tower tells you to hold short of the runway... 6Qs.
- You're rolling down the runway for takeoff... 6Qs.
- Runway stripes and markings, explained.
- Contaminated runways:
- Braking condition reports. (Vid 181).
- Did you know? 11 fun facts about runways.
- Light colors, explained.
- Light colors and light spacing, explained.
- PAPIs - how they work.
- Quiz: Do you know these seven common airport markings?
- Runway change:
- 7 things to remember.
- Turning around. (AvWeb).
- Runway Safety Pilot Simulator. (FAA).
- Safety - see Safety.
- Wrong surface: see Safety.
- Wrong surface operations. COPA Vid.
Traffic Patterns: - see Maneuvers - Execution - Techniques.
- FIG -
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