See also: EFB (Electronic Flight Bag).
Airports (x):
- New airport - flying to one. (bm).
- See also Airports.
Aircraft Performance:
- See Performance below.
- 6 tips to help you fly through complex airspace.
- TFRs, 3 ways to check them before your next flight.
- See also Airspace.
Charts (see Sectionals below).
Cross Country, General Checklist:
- Draft an overview
- Is it feasible?
- Check big picture weather
- Charts, chart supplements, plotter, whiz wheel (flight computer), NAVLOG, flight plan template
- Start with a straight line and consider terrain, obstacles, airspace, special use airspace, NAVAIDs and options for a divert
- Checkpoints (for visual recognition, timing and fuel computations)
- Picking good cross-country checkpoints (Boldmethod)
- Develop the route and map it
- Obtain a weather brief
- See the Weather page, specifically the Standard Weather Brief
- Make NAVLOG (there are dozens, but here is one version)
- How to fill one out? Example 1
- X/C Navigation Log | VFR Cross Country Nav Log Calculations
- Flight Following:
- About | How to get it | How to use it.
- Do you need to tell ATC you're changing altitude on VFR flight following? (Vid 130)
- Flight following made easy. ATC Radio video.
- Flight following vs VFR flight plan (Vid).
- Picking up flight following. (Vid 91).
- Flight Plan:
- 6 key elements to the perfect cross country flight plan.
- ICAO format is the standard.
- If you don't file, I recommend flight following (above).
- Info from the FAA.
- Perform self-assessment and airplane pre-flight
- Other
- Map management (if using paper maps)
- Selecting Fuel Stops (also see Fuel Planning below).
- "OUTCAST" can be a helpful planning guide. (Air Facts).
Cross Country, Other Information:
- Airports / new airports - see Airports above.
- Cross country flight planning. (webinar by Rob M)
- Knowledge Check/Quizzes:
- You are departing Aberdeen, SD... 6Qs.
- You are on the ground at Okeechobee... 6Qs.
- You're flying a magnetic course of 359... 5Qs.
- Required information (Acronyms and Mnemonics).
- Solo - 5 tips to prepare for your first cross country.
- Student pilot learns an important lesson. (cross country).
- VFR on Top clearance: What is it? (Vid 53).
- VFR Over-The-Top:
- VFR over the top: Legal, but not clever.
- What are the requirements? (vid 68).
- 9 different ways to navigate the globe.
- Lost / Lost Position:
- 5 ways to determine your location if you're lost. (bm).
- Help! I'm Lost - General aviation lost procedures. (MzeroA vid)
- Navigating around thunderstorms. (Vid 33).
- Special VFR clearance: How to use it.
- VFR cruising altitudes - based on magnetic course, or magnetic heading? (Vid 179).
- See also Instruments / Approaches.
Performance, Aircraft and Calculations
- Aircraft performance and calculations (FAASTeam)
- Aircraft performance explained. (video)
- CG: see Weight and Balance below.
- Climb performance, 6 question quiz.
- Density altitude: what is it and how it affects performance.
- Drag (see Aerodynamics)
- Quiz:
- An aircraft with an aft CG... 6Qs
- You and a friend are in two identical... 6Qs
- You're at an airport with... 6Qs
- Reference / Articles:
- Low, hot and humid. (Air Facts).
- Performance calculations confidence. (Pilot Tip)
- POH vs Reality: Making takeoff calculations meaningful.
- Real world takeoff performance.
- Takeoff:
- 7 rules-of-thumb for takeoff performance.
- 9 factors that increase your takeoff ground roll.
- How does a headwind affect takeoff distance? (Vid 182).
- Takeoff - performance skepticism. (Pilot Tip)
- Turn Radius - how to calculate it.
- Weight:
- See also Takeoff, Landing, Rules-of-Thumb, Weight and Balance.
- 6 summer cross-country factors to consider before your next flight.
- 7 things every aircraft owner should keep in their plane.
- Fuel Planning:
- 6 things every pilot should know about fuel planning.
- VFR fuel requirements. (Vid 193).
- See also My Morsels.
- How to use your E6B flight computer - free King course.
- Would you go? VFR cross-country with light rain and scattered storms.
- Quizzes:
- VFR Challenge from Pilot Workshops:
Routes / Routes Selection:
Sectionals / Charts:
- 5 uncommon VFR sectional items to watch out for.
- 7 rare symbols found on VFR sectional charts.
- Airports:
- How to read a VFR sectional | basic chart/map knowledge (vid).
- How to read a VFR sectional chart. (MzeroA).
- Right patterns on a sectional chart. Vid 12, Vid 71 and Vid 93.
- Quizzes:
- If Dallas Executive Tower is not... 8Qs
- In general -What is the order of airspace.... 7Qs.
- Symbols (common) - You are on the ground at... 6Qs.
- Symbols (uncommon) - What airspace starts at... 6Qs.
- What kind of navaid... 6Qs
- What is the elevation of the Furnace... 6Qs.
VFR (Visual Flight Rules):
- NAV lights, when do you need nav lights on? (Vid 159).
- Quizzes:
- In Class E airspace... 6Qs.
- You're approaching Atmore (0R1) at 1,600' MSL... 6Qs.
- You're flying in Class G airspace… 7Qs.
- You forgot your logbook... 6Qs
- VFR Separation. (AvWeb).
- Victor Airways:
- 7 things every pilot should know about victor airways.
- Can you fly an airway using GPS? (Vid 130).
- Will ATC clear VFR aircraft for a visual approach? (Vid 136).
Weight and Balance:
- REMEMBER - you need to calculate W&B AND Performance. Just because you're in the W&B envelope doesn't mean everything will work out. You must consider the environment.
- 6 most common weight and balance mistakes. (bm).
- 8 weight and balance terms every pilot should know.
- CG = 'Mom's over Weight'
- Weights x Arms = moments
- Add the moments = total moment
- Total moment / total weight = overall CG
- Why does CG location affect your airplane's performance?
- For Springs Aviation aircraft, go to Springs Aviation.
- Weight and balance “get-there-itis” traps. (Air Facts).
- FIG -
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