Flying is a life-changing event. I want to help enhance your flying in any way possible. I can offer you tailwheel training, aerobatics, spin and/or upset training. I believe a big injustice is many pilots don't get to spin and have an unrealistic 'fear' of them. I would prefer pilots experience spins and know how to recover. I also ferry aircraft to suit your needs. Email: If on a mobile device, I suggest viewing the web version.
FIG Aviation
Flying IS Great - improve every flight!
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Monday, November 30, 2020
Latest Updates
- 27 Mar: Mixture March. See all focus items.
- 27 Mar: How to recover from a bounced landing.
- 27 Mar: Sectional quiz: What is the order of airspace.... 7Qs.
- 27 Mar: To descent below mins and/or land, you need to see...Version 1 or Version 2.
- 27 Mar: What are the requirements to fly a visual approach? (Vid 109).
- 27 Mar: Should you raise flaps on landing for a shorter ground roll? (Vid 185).
- 27 Mar: Special Flight Permit: What is it? (Vid 206).
- 27 Mar: Do you need to meet stepdown altitudes when going visual? (Vid 33, Vid 68, Vid 151).
- 26 Mar: Tip of the Week: Can anyone fly a tailwheel? See all the Tips.
- 12 Mar: Common myths (4) about IFR flying.
- 07 Mar: FAA Safety Briefing (March/April 2025).
- Webinars: FAA list of Webinars.
- Flying is great - improve every flight -
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Master Index
- Accidents (Human Factors).
- Acronyms and Mnemonics for aviation
- ACS - see Airman Certification Standards below.
- ADM (Aeronautical Decision Making).
- ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast)
- Aerodynamics.
- Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM).
- Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) - searchable!
- Air Traffic Control (ATC) - see Communication and ATC
- Aircraft lookup/research (in Reports)
- Airlines / ATP.
- AIRMETs and SIGMETs (in Weather)
- Airport / Runways / Facilities.
- Aircraft Category, Class, Type: Great summary.
- Aircraft Manuals / Pilot Operating Handbooks (POH).
- Airman Certification Standards (also see Checkrides).
- Airspace.
- Altitudes (see Instruments / Approaches)
- AOPA: Club finder | Event search | Safety quizzes
- Approach Lighting Systems, explained.
- Approaches, Instrument
- ASRS (NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System)
- ATC (Communication and ATC)
- ATP - see Airlines
- Automation Management.
- Autopilot.
- Aviation Acronyms and Mnemonics
- Avidyne IDF540.
- Avionics.
- Brief / Debrief.
- CFIT (controlled flight into terrain).
- Checklists, on G-Drive or Springs Aviation.
- Checkrides (also see Flight Reviews)
- Civil Air Patrol (CAP): eServices (HQ)
- Communication (and ATC)
- Compass, magnetic (including compass turns).
- Compliance Philosophy.
- Constant speed props & manifold pressure (also Engines / Powerplants).
- Concepts | Mentality | Truisms.
- CRM (crew resource management).
- Cross Country Planning / Flights
- Current vs Proficient.
- Debrief / Brief
- Decision Making.
- Departure, Instrument.
- Disaster Relief Flights Best Practices: from PALS.
- DPEs (in Checkrides).
- Electronic Flight Bags (EFB).
- Emergencies.
- Endorsements (in Instruction).
- Energy management.
- Engine / Powerplant (also Leaning).
- Engine failure (Emergencies).
- Equipment (IFR/VFR required, suggested for aircraft).
- FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations).
- Flight following (Cross Country)
- Flight Plans.
- Flight Reviews (also see checkrides)
- Focus items by month.
- ForeFlight - see Electronic Flight Bags.
- Forums: see Reference / Articles.
- From the Flight Deck (FAA videos with wrong airport/surface landings).
- Garmin 430.
- Google Drive (public) - my G-Drive with a variety of flying-related material.
- Guides (user guides, pilots guides, manuals).
- Hazardous Attitudes.
- Human Factors.
- Illusions (Human Factors).
- ILS (instrument landing system).
- Impossible / Improbable Turn.
- Instruction
- Instrument Cockpit Check.
- Instrument Flight / Approaches.
- Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC). See Flight Reviews.
- Jet Cruise Performance.
- Kneeboard - my format
- Landing / Takeoff (Maneuvers/Techniques/Execution)
- Leaning, engines.
- Links (see External Links, right side of page)
- Lost communication.
- Magnetic compass
- Magnetos.
- Maneuver Guide(s).
- Manifold Pressure and Constant Speed Props.
- Manuals (GPS, POHs, and other equipment).
- Medicals (in Human Factors).
- Memory aides (in Acronyms and Mnemonics).
- Mental math and Rules of Thumb (ROT).
- Mentality | Concepts | Truisms.
- Mnemonics, aviation.
- MOA (Military Training Area)
- Mountain Flying.
- MTR (Military Training Routes)
- Multiengine.
- My Morsels
- NASA: ASRS | Callback
- Navigation.
- Non-towered Airport Operations.
- Non-towered Airport Communications (Pilot Workshops)
- PAvE check - check of yourself before flying (see Acronyms and Safety)
- Percent Power.
- Performance, aircraft and calculations +
- Personality Test (DISC) - better interaction with your students
- Pilots Tips of the Week.
- Planning, cross country.
- POHs (pilot operating handbooks, aircraft manuals)
- Proficiency (in Training).
- Regulations (see FAR) above
- Resource Management : CRM / SRM
- Restaurants at Airports.
- Risk / Risk Management: Resource Management, Human Factors and Safety.
- Requirements: PPC / Instrument / Commercial / (also pages 3-5 of kneeboard).
- RNP (required navigation performance) (Instruments | Approaches)
- Rules of Thumb (ROT) and mental math.
- Runway Safety Simulator.
- Rusty Pilots.
- Safety.
- Secret of Flight (video series), fantastic series (Video 1)
- Seminars and Webinars - Search FAA
- SFRA / FRZ (in Airspace).
- SIGMETs and AIRMETs (in Weather).
- Simulators.
- Situational Awareness.
- Slips.
- Springs Aviation and how to get there
- SRM (single-pilot resource management).
- Stalls.
- Steep turns.
- Takeoff / Landing.
- Task Management.
- Testing / Tests.
- Testing, FAA (available at Springs Aviation)
- Towered Operations (in ATC or Airports)
- Traffic Patterns and in Tips of the Week.
- Training.
- Transitioning Aircraft/Training (in Training).
- Truisms | Concepts | Mentality
- Turbulence (in weather)
- Turns / Turn Performance.
- Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT),
- V Speeds (Aerodynamics)
- VFR (see Cross Country > VFR).
- VFR into IFR (Human Factors).
- Vmc Demo (Multiengine).
- VMC into IMC (Human Factors).
- VOR.
- Weather (WX)
- Webinars and Seminars - Search FAA
- Weight and Balance.
- Written tests.
- Flying is great - improve every flight -
Friday, October 23, 2020
Acrobatic Training
Acrobatic flight is one of the most exhilarating things you can do. Beyond that, it helps you understand flight characteristics and realize that you can without question recover from a spin.
My syllabus:
- Stalls
- Chandelles
- Wingovers
- Aileron rolls
- Loops
- Loop plus rolls
- Cloverleafs
- Cuban eights
- Immelmanns and
- Spins!!!
I am still building my syllabus, but what's listed above will be the baseline. You can most certainly expect to spin. The spin is the biggest monkey on the private pilot's back. I will show you that 1) it is not only predicable, but 2) completely recoverable.
Never let spins control you. You control them.
- Lineage of Champs: Aeronca 1944, Champion Aircraft 1954, Bellanca 1970, ACA 1989
- FIG -
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Also see:
- 4 common aerodynamic misconceptions.
- 6 aerodynamic facts about ailerons every pilot should know.
- Maneuvers
- Multiengine.
- Knowledge Check / Quizzes:
- Angle of attack is... 6Qs
- As airspeed increases... 5Qs
- Coffin corner is... 6Qs.
- If you float when you flare... 5Qs
- Select the four flight fundamentals involved... 9Qs.
- These 6 aerodynamic designs are for... 6Qs
- When an airfoil increases... 5Qs
- When landing gear on an aircraft retract… 6Qs.
- Which design feature helps... 5Qs
- Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 forces... 6Qs
- Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 forces... 7Qs
- Which phase of spin... 5Qs.
- Wing tip vortices are associated... 6Qs
- You take off in your Cessna... 6Qs
- You’re in a stall, you kick the rudder... 7Qs.
- You're taking off, and you need to clear... 6Qs
- Basics by AOPA
- Dihedral: why your wings have an upward angle.
- Dihedral and lateral stability.
- These are the 6 types of aircraft stability.
- Wing washout - how it makes airplanes more stable.
- 4 types of airspeed, and what each one means for you.
- Approach speed and threshold crossing speed - the difference.
- Best glide speed – keep it simple or extract most performance?
- Crosswind - how maximum demonstrated crosswind is calculated.
- Indicated airspeed:
- Is it ok to fly in the yellow arc?
- Minimum controllable airspeed (MCA). SAFE video.
- Supersonic flight:
- 8 things you never knew.
- Quiz time: Supersonic flight.
- True airspeed:
- V-Speeds:
- Va:
- How Va is determined. (Machado)
- How Va protects your plane.
- Why does maneuvering speed change with weight?
- Vmc:
- Quiz: What is Vmc? 6Qs.
- Vx: The mystery of Vx.
- Vx and Vy - the reason they are different is simple, and here's why...
- Knowledge Check / Quizzes:
- Which airspeed? (AvWeb).
- Looking at the physics of STOL Drag.
- Power and Pitch (Aviation Safety).
- See how it flies. (John S. Denker)
Angle of Attack:
- Angle of attack for dummies. (Air Facts)
Coordination / Yaw:
- Adverse yaw: how it affects your plane.
- Conquer the “Driving” Habit! (SAFE).
- Video: The Rudder - It Gets No Respect!
- See also Left-turning Tendencies below.
- 5 easy ways to increase drag quickly.
- 6 design improvements that reduce aircraft drag.
- Aerodynamics of induced and parasite drag.
- Induced drag: How it works.
- Interference drag - how it affects your plane's performance.
- Quiz: Most modern swept-wing aircraft use… 5Qs.
Ground Effect:
- Induced drag and ground effects. (Machado vid).
- What is it? King Schools.
Left-turning Tendencies:
- Left-turning tendencies explained: why your plane pulls left during takeoff.
- Why do airplanes want to turn to the left? (Sporty's Vid)
- Questions from the cockpit: Can someone give me a lift?
- Theories of lift. (AvWeb).
- Also see Coordination above.
Load Factor:
- How does load factor affect stall speed? (Vid 191).
- Aerodynamics of a wing stall.
- Quizzes:
- Any point beyond _____ is where... 6Qs
- As an aircraft's weight increases... 7Qs.
- Assuming your aircraft's weight... 6Qs
- What happens when you increase... 5Qs.
- What is a Stall? What is Angle of Attack? (King).
- Why does stall speed increase with bank angle?
- See Maneuvers - Techniques - Execution.
V-Speeds: see Airspeed above.
- How does aspect ratio affect your wing?
Yaw / Coordination: see Coordination above.
- FIG -
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Airports / Runways / Facilities
- 9 things to know about your runway before you land.
- 10 things you should do before flying into an unfamiliar airport.
- Best safety practices (FAA).
- Busy airports:
- 5 ways to prepare for flying into busy airports.
- Pilot's guide for landing at busy airports.
- Taxi at large airports like a pro. (Flying Mag).
- Cameras, weather: FAA Weather Cams.
- Cars, courtesy (at airport):
- Communication / Radios:
- From the Flight Deck (FAA video series with wrong airport/surface landings).
- Hot Spots:
- Airport diagram hotspot listing. (PDF).
- Hot Spot standardized symbology. (FAA).
- Not your granddad’s hot spot. (GA News)
- Knowledge check/Quizzes:
- How long is the longest runway at… 5Qs.
- What's the difference between a tetrahedron... 6Qs.
- When a control tower tells you to contact... 6Qs.
- You're flying into tower controlled… 6Qs.
- New airport - flying to one. (bm).
- Non Towered Airports:
- 7 things you need to be ready for at non-towered airports.
- Are non-towered airports more dangerous? (GA News).
- Communications. (in ATC and Comm)
- Operations (video).
- Radios - should they be required at non-towered airports?
- Towered vs. non-towered airports on sectional charts. (Vid 61).
- See also Maneuvers - Execution - Techniques.
- 7 Types:
- DOD Search.
- NOTAMs are garbage: Nobody pays any attention to them.
- Restaurants at Airports
- Airplane Geeks
- AOPA: Destination Search (you can select "restaurant on airfield")
- AOPA: Best Airport Restaurants Named
- AOPA: best-of-best $100 hamburgers
- AV8Maps.
- Fly 2 Lunch.
- Safety - see Safety.
- Specific Airports:
- Telluride Airport: What to know before you go.
- Temperature swings: why do some airports have ones between day & night?
- Towered Airport Operations:
- Control towers don't do what you think they do. (AvWeb)
- Frequencies, explained. (Vid 31 or Vid 95).
- Land and hold short operations (LAHSO) - how they work.
- Towered field ops.
- Towered vs. non-towered airports on sectional charts. (Vid 61).
- Wrong surface operations: see Safety.
- Traffic Patterns - see Maneuvers - Execution - Techniques.
Lights / Lighting:
- Approach lights:
- Light gun signals explained. (Vid 50 or Vid 101).
- Knowledge Check/Quizzes:
- What's this lighting system called? 6Qs.
- You see a steady green light signal... 6Qs.
- You're coming in to land... 6Qs.
- You're landing on a runway that has...6Qs.
- REIL vs. RAIL. What's the difference? (Vid 118).
- Rotating beacon:
- What colors are you looking for? (Vid 64).
- VASI and/or PAPI. How I use them.
- How far out do PAPI lights guarantee obstacle protection? (Vid 176).
- When do runway edge lights change from white to yellow? (Vid 190).
- Knowledge Check/Quizzes:
- Touchdown zone markings indicate... 6Qs.
- Tower tells you to hold short of the runway... 6Qs.
- You're rolling down the runway for takeoff... 6Qs.
- Runway stripes and markings, explained.
- Contaminated runways:
- Braking condition reports. (Vid 181).
- Did you know? 11 fun facts about runways.
- Light colors, explained.
- Light colors and light spacing, explained.
- PAPIs - how they work.
- Quiz: Runway numbers are...7Qs.
- Runway change:
- 7 things to remember.
- Turning around. (AvWeb).
- Runway Safety Pilot Simulator. (FAA).
- Safety - see Safety.
- Wrong surface: see Safety.
- Wrong surface operations. COPA Vid.
Traffic Patterns: - see Maneuvers - Execution - Techniques.
- FIG -
Airspace and Altitude
In general:
- 5 unusual airspace areas you should know for your checkride.
- 6 tips to help you fly through complex airspace.
- Airspace review. (AvWeb)
- AOPA tutorial.
- General review.
- Pilot's guide for landing at busy airports.
- Teaching/learning technique from CFItoCFI. (p 19-22)
- Also see Sectionals in Planning.
- The 5 types of altitude, explained by (FLY8MA or boldmethod).
- Your guide to minimum VFR altitudes.
- ABCs of US Airspace or what I use - My Morsels.
- Airspace memory aid. (vid)
- Class B
- Entry requirements.
- Flying below Class B: Does ATC instruction trump regulations?
- How to get a clearance into Class B. (vid)
- Weather minimums. Vid 57, Vid 203.
- What's the max speed under a Class B shelf? (Vid 158).
- Class C
- Approaching while on flight following.
- Departing
- Dimensions - Vid 54 or, Vid 100 or Vid 155.
- Entry requirements. Vid 167.
- Who do I call to enter? Vid 150.
- Class D
- Communications:
- Departing a Class D, Ground control, taxi instructions, towered airport.
- Departure clearance from a Class C airport. (Vid 19).
- Weather minimums. Vid 13, Vid 97.
- Weather minimums to depart. Vid 115.
- What happens when a Class D tower is closed?
- Class E
- Boarders explained. (Vid 154).
- Explained.
- How they're marked on VFR sectional charts. (Vid 164).
- Why is it controlled? Vid 28, Vid 201.
- Starting at 700' AGL (Vid 170) or at 1200' AGL (Vid 5).
- To the surface.
- Class G
- Airports without 700' transition above.
- Explained.
- Quizzes:
- Where is it located? Vid 27 or Vid 144.
Controlled Airspace:
- Explained. (vid)
Knowledge Check / Quizzes:
MOA (Military Operating Area):
MTR (Military Training Routes):- Also on SUA Website.
- Video with basics.
- Kneeboards: version 1 and version 2
- Training online at FAASafety
- What you should know, and how to operate around it.
- SUA Website.
- Quiz: Are you required to get a clearance through... 5Qs.
- 250 knots below 10K' - why.
- Your guide for understanding the speed limits of the sky.
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR):
- TFR Dos and Don’ts. (AvWeb).
Terminal Arrival Area (TAA):
- Terminal Arrival Area: What is it? (Vid 51).
- VFR Minimums:
- Cloud clearances in one chart or one picture.
- FAA airspace for VFR flight. (video)
- Flight visibility above 10,000 feet MSL. (Vid 1).
- In controlled airspace (Vid 129) and to the surface (Vid 141).
- Why are there mandatory cloud clearance requirements?
- FIG -
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